Practice Questions
Binary Tree Traversals
Binary Tree Traversals
Tree Traversals: The process of visiting each node in a tree data structure exactly once is called Traversal. Trees can be traversed either depth first or breadth first.
There are 3 types of traversals in binary trees.
Pre-order traversal :
First check if the root node is empty and then display the data and traverse left subtree and then right subtree by calling pre-order function. In the following diagram the pre-order is represented in blue where the traversal is started by root node A.
In-Order traversal:
First the current node is checked for null and then traversed to the left subtree by calling in-order function and display the data then traverse the right subtree by recursively calling in-order function. In the following diagram the In-order traversal is represented by green where the root node is in between both subtrees.
Post-Order traversal:
First the current node is checked for null and traversed from left subtree by calling Post-Order traversal function and followed by right subtree and then display the data. In the following diagram Post-Order traversal is represented by orange color where the root node is at the end.
The path of traversals In Binary Tree Data