Linked List
Practice Questions
Traversals(Single pointer and two pointer)
Singly linked lists can be traversed in only forward direction starting form the first data element. We simply print the value of the next data element by assigning the pointer of the next node to the current data element.
class Node:
def __init__(self, dataval=None):
self.dataval = dataval
self.nextval = None
class SLinkedList:
def __init__(self):
self.headval = None
def listprint(self):
printval = self.headval
while printval is not None:
print (printval.dataval)
printval = printval.nextval
list = SLinkedList()
list.headval = Node("Mon")
e2 = Node("Tue")
e3 = Node("Wed")
# Link 1st Node to second node
list.headval.nextval = e2
# Link 2nd Node to third node
e2.nextval = e3
When the above code is executed, the following result: