Implement Linked List in Python

Implementation of linked list in python

We implement the concept of linked lists using the list in Python. 

We create a Node class and create another class to use this node object. We pass the appropriate values through the node object to point to the next data elements. The below program creates the linked list with three data elements. In the next section we will see how to traverse the linked list.

class Node:

    def __init__(self, dataval=None):

        self.dataval = dataval

        self.nextval = None


class SLinkedList:

    def __init__(self):

        self.headval = None


list1 = SLinkedList()

list1.headval = Node("Mon")

e2 = Node("Tue")

e3 = Node("Wed")

# Link 1st Node to second node

list1.headval.nextval = e2


# Link 2nd Node to third node

e2.nextval = e3

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